In light of the London terrorist attack which left 3 dead and 40 injured, Europe has reached out to show their support.
The suspect, Khalid Masood, 52, was responsible for the most horrific attack on the United Kingdom in 12 years. According to the New York Times, Masood drove his car onto Westminster Bridge and hit a crowd of pedestrians. Officers responded by shooting and killing the perpetrator.
Paris, France showed their solidarity with London by blacking out the Eiffel Tower. CNN provides the video below.
Germany’s Brandenburg Gate in Berlin reflected the colors of the United Kingdom’s flag. Global News captured the video below.
To highlight the tragedy London and citizens from across the world faced, Big Ben and other monuments in the city were lit red for those in mourning. CNN provides the coverage below.
However, in an interesting twist from the previous Obama administration, President Donald J. Trump and his associates had a different response for London. While the president himself expressed his support in a quick news briefing, his son Donald Trump Jr. openly criticized the Mayor Sadiq Khan of London. Trump Jr. bashed the Mayor’s earlier response in September 2016 that due to the size of London, terror attacks are bound to happen. The response to Trump Jr.’s criticism has not been met with support and many Twitter users are unsure as to why the son of the U.S. president has any right in speaking in this manner.
Despite the responses around the world, people will continue to mourn the loss of the three victims and think of those in recovery.