Tomorrow marks the start of the Fall 2017 semester at Rock Valley College. Here at The Valley Forge we’re excited for what this year has in store for all of us. RVC is bustling with activities for many students, new and returning. There are film festivals around the corner, sports events to attend, and club activities that will give plenty of chances to make new friends.
Last semester was fun, full of good stories. There was a poet from Los Angeles who came to tell his story and inspire other students to do the same. Other stories came through as we cheered as the Lady Eagles National Championships in basketball and softball or when one of our own went to the Grammy Awards. There were also cool stories when the nation’s top track meet was underway or when we ran a special about the Mass Com department and the bright future it has. We’re excited to capture and deliver to you the stories that will capture your attention as these next 9 months unfold.
Welcome back everybody and as always, good luck.