A beautiful 80 degree day ruled the campus at RVC. As students who walked by the main walkway in between CL1 and the ERC to the Student Center had the opportunity to get a free, cool treat. Intervarsity, one of RVC’s student clubs on campus, ran a free snow-cone stand. It would’ve been hard to miss because of the popularity of the walkway; also the significant lines of students waiting their turn for a snow-cone was a clear giveaway.

The snow-cone stand was there from 10-2. This is when most students are on RVC grounds. Nikki Stansford, one of the members of Intervarsity, said, “This is our way of introducing the club to the campus. We hope to connect, learn, and grow with students and people here.”
A Hula Hoop competition was another thing students could do for fun in addition to the snow-cone stand. Intervarsity meets at 3pm in the Student Center on Wednesdays.
Nikki, gauging the success of the day and the lines, “Everybody loves snow-cones.”