Flu season is in full swing as the CDC has
39 states pegged as “widespread” for the Influenza virus. If you do find yourself with flu-like symptoms, the CDC highly recommends a visit to the doctor’s office should be a high priority. At that point an anti-viral drug like Tamiflu would be prescribed to help shorten the effects of the Flu by 1 or 2 days by stopping the replication of the virus in the body. If you have had the fortune of being clear of the flu here are 5 things the CDC recommends for everyday prevention.

- Limit close contact with people under the weather.
- If you’re sick, limit interaction with others to keep from spreading the flu to them.
- Mask your nose and mouth with a Kleenex when you cough or sneeze. Dispose the Kleenex in the garbage when you’re done.
- Clean your hands often with soap and water, or hand-sanitizer (alcohol based).
- Do not touch the eyes, ears, or mouth. Germs spread this way.
Although simple, this will help in prevention of catching the flu. There are other methods that people swear by, from high doses of Vitamin C, essential oils, and homemade remedies. Whatever it may be that works for you, I hope you won’t be out for the count like I was for 8 days. Stay safe!