January 29, 2025

It’s okay to ask for help.

South Hallway of CLI

I believe that this is a key piece to let ourselves as a student body move forward from the first reactions from the unthinkable events of Professor Ruckman’s last days. There are resources on campus to help students and faculty to receive the help they need. Often times the stresses of life on top of the class loads and daily requirements just to get by, overshadow the fact that sometimes we as social beings need to talk to someone and listen to another person’s helpful perspective looking at our lives.

As each day marches on it’s still difficult for some to process the tragic and devastating news that has rocked our campus. It’s clear that the ripple effects have been wide and far-reaching.

Remember that reaching out, being honest, and getting help should be your top priority.

Keeping at the forefront of our minds is that each person processes events of this nature differently. This should remind us to be tactful, civil, and mindful of the students and faculty who are still in the early stages of the grief process.

There are grief counselors here at RVC this week, as well as different staff members qualified to meet each person’s need. Call Personal and Success Counseling located in the Student Center (815) 921-4105 for more information. Another resource is the Dean of Students office for more college-specific related issues at this number (815) 921-4284.

It’s okay to ask for help.