April 2 is the Stateline’s day to go out and vote on different issues. This cycle brought up school board seats, local ordinances, and vital to Rock Valley, Trustee seats.

After the results of the elections, both sides of the aisle were able to claim victories. RVC First had one of their three slated candidates voted in with Paul Gorski for a 6-year term. Community for RVC had all three elected on their ticket in with Jarid Funderburg (6), Gloria Cudia (6), and Patrick Murphy with a 2-year term.
Longtime board member Lynn Kearney with a background in education did not win her re-election bid for the 6-year term.
Cudia and Funderburg will be the new faces in the RVC Board Meetings helping plan and lead our college over the next six years.
It will be interesting to watch if partisan lines are drawn heavily this next season of decisions. The board is already seeded favorably toward conservatives. It will be interesting to watch if the board as a whole will listen and take into consideration both valid points of argument and make choices that are healthy for the college with the long-term vision in mind.

One of the local issues being voted on that passed was Boone County’s Fire District 3 Ambulance Tax. It had been voted down in previous elections, but now by almost 300 votes, it had the approval of its citizens that mainly reside in the greater Poplar Grove area. At a cost of roughly five dollars a household, this tax helps cover the cost of services that are provided to their respective area.
This is an encouraging sign for the local fire service providers since North Park Fire District and New Milford Fire District had their tax referendums denied in the 2018 election cycle.