Starlight Theatre has announced the upcoming shows for the 2020 season. The 2020 schedule kicks off with the Little Mermaid on June 3rd. The musical comedy Disaster!, based on 1970’s disaster movies, starts June 10th. Dream Girls starts on June 17th followed by Hello Dolly on June 24th.

2020 Starlight Series Schedule:
- Little Mermaid: June 3-6, July 8-12
- Disaster: June 10-13, July 15-19
- Dream Girls: June 17-20, July 22-26
- Hello Dolly: June 24-27, July 29-31, August 1-2
Auditions run from February 28-March 1 and March 6-7. Callbacks are on March 8th.

Starlight is also looking for volunteers to help the costume shop, scene shop, and running crew. They are also looking for house managers, ushers, and help running the concessions.
To get involved with Starlight auditions or to volunteer for any of the 2020 shows, please call 815-921-2160