January 26, 2025

Valley Forge Staff – Spring 2025

Editor-in-Chief: Isabella Lazansky

This is my second year at RVC and I am working towards my Associate of Arts degree. After graduation, I’ll be transferring to a university to pursue degrees in Mass Communication and Sports Marketing.

My interests include music, fashion, and hockey. In my free time you’ll likely find me online shopping or at a hockey game.

You can reach me at: isabellalaz827@gmail.com

Managing Editor: Jazmyn Austin

This is my second year at RVC as a Mass Com student. I am working towards both certificates
in the program.

My interests include screenwriting, journalism, and filmmaking. I enjoy thrift shopping, going to
the movies, and going places with my friends.

You can reach me at jazmynaustin@gmail.com

Photo Editor: Justin Akin

I am a current Mass Com student at Rock Valley College and I am working towards my Associate of Arts degree and media production certificate. I am also a student worker in the Mass Com department.

My interests include photography, books, video games, movies, and listening to music. I also enjoy playing music, and being part of creative activities.

Story ideas? You can reach me at: thethunderpaw@icloud.com

News Editor: Maya Johnson

This is my first year at Rock Valley College. I am working towards my Associate of Arts degree. Afterwards, I plan on transferring to a university to study journalism and media production.

I have always enjoyed writing and got introduced to media studies during my junior year of high school. My interests include golfing, reading, and cooking. In my free time, I enjoy shopping, yoga and being with the people I love.

You can reach me at: maya.johnsonk13@gmail.com

Staff Writer: Isaac Frazier

It is my first year at Rock Valley College where I am working towards my Associate of Arts degree and Media Production Certificate. After I complete these, I will be transferring to a university to study filmmaking.

My interests include film, music, and philosophy. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with friends, working out, and doing other creative activities.

You can reach me at e.isaacfrazier@gmail.com

Staff Writer: Justin Trimble

I’m currently in my second year at RVC. I’m going to get my Associate of Arts degree, and also 2 mass communication certificates. I am very excited to be part of a newspaper again.

When I was in the newspaper in high school we covered Belvidere and national news. I’m looking forward to covering more ground in Rockford, along with my home town of Belvidere.

I would love to hear from you. Please don’t hesitate to email me: Jat11544@aol.com

Journalism Instructor: Eric Wilson

Bio coming soon!

Faculty Adviser: Jerry LaBuy

I am the faculty adviser for The Valley Forge and this is my ninth year in that role. I am a member of the RVC faculty and academic chair of the Mass Communication department. This is my 18th year at RVC and I have worked in the media production field professionally since 1998.

My journalism career has included many written and photojournalism projects for NPR, ABC, FOX, and other news affiliates.

You can reach me at: j.labuy@rockvalleycollege.edu